Medical Assistant vs Nurse

For years, medical assistants and nurses have engaged in a friendly rivalry. Do licensed practical nurses (LPNs) really have a set of skills that are superior to the skill sets of medical assistants (MAs)? Is the work LPNs do intrinsically harder? Do they deserve more respect? In fact

Gender Discrimination – Is it a Thing in Medical Assisting?

Medical assistants have traditionally been women, to such a degree that positions in this field are considered “pink collar jobs.” About 90 percent of medical assistants are women, but that doesn’t mean that this area of work is free of sex and gender discrimination. While discrimination may be more complex in fields traditionally occupied by …

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Committed a Felony? – Learn How To Request a Waiver

A felony conviction is a serious setback, but it’s not necessarily the end of your chance to become a medical assistant. You can’t change your past or hide it, but there are steps you can take to put it behind you. The first step is to get a waiver so you can take the certification …

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